Log Book Approval for Driving Test
October 15, 2015So how long should you expect to wait for your log book to be approved? The word from the Log book section at Queensland Transport is 10 working days. A few months ago I had students waiting a mere two days for this to happen. Then the Queensland Government took a knife to the public service and sacked not only employees, but contractors. The Log Book section staff was slashed from around 14 down to 4 people. This has since created a huge burden on the remaining staff.
I spoke to one of the last few staff standing the other day and was told that they were often taking longer than 10 working days (or two weeks). She also said that according to the legislation in place they have up to 28 days to perform this task, so I suppose two weeks isn’t that bad. Be aware that this applies to the physical Log Book; if you are using the App, this waiting time will normally be reduced. Approval via the app can sometimes take a few days, but other times the whole two weeks. So to be on the safe side, allow two weeks.
I know it’s frustrating, after spending those long hours chained to the wheel, having done some driving lessons and annoyed your parents to let you drive as much as possible. But your patience will be rewarded and it will all seem insignificant in the end.
Driving schools are being frustrated as well, as we have to “guesstimate” the waiting time when organising a test for our students. I had an example the other day where a student sent her book off and the log book section marked it as “received” on the 2nd of October. We had a Saturday test booked for her on the 20th. I was unaware of the extended wait time at this stage, so things got a bit tense when we had not heard anything by the 18th. This seemed plenty of time for a log book approval. The student rang the log book hot line and they plucked her book from the pile and assessed it straight away. As the saying goes “the squeaky wheel gets the oil.”
So if you need to chase up your log book approval, and you know they have had it for more than 10 working days, don’t be afraid to ring them up and give it a push along. This is the number for enquiries is 132390. You can then ask to speak to the log book section.