TORQUE OF THE TOWN – 3 Lesson and Lesson/Driving Test Package




Choose this Driving Test preparation package when your learner driver is ready for a driving test, or an overseas licence holder is ready to convert to a Queensland Licence. When approaching the driving test it is important that an applicant be fully prepared. Do not just “have a go” at a test and hope for the best. Hope is not a plan. A proper plan should always include doing a practice test. In fact we would recommend doing at least two of these. Most students usually fail the first mock test with our instructor, which is better than failing the real test. The first mock test is usually done about a week before the real thing and the second practice test a few days before the actual test date. This allows students time to think about their mistakes and alter their actions. They need to drive within the Queensland Transport guidelines. If a student can pass at least one of these practice tests, it usually bodes well for the real thing, with a real examiner.

If for some reason a student fails their test it should not be taken as a reflection of their ability. It just means that they did not cope with the situation that occurred during the test. Take is as a part of a continued learning process.

It is best to do a Driving Test in a Driving School car. It will be the car you have already been using in your lessons. The Examiners will also feel more comfortable in a car with dual controls and will therefore be more relaxed for the duration of the test. If a learner insists on taking their own car for the test, this is still possible and any preparation lessons could be done in this car as part of the prepaid package.

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